Drei Drapey Dresses

I know that it has to be ‘Three Drapey Dresses’. But I liked the alliteration and my native language is German so I dared to mix it ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m pretty sure that soon there will be four of them and then no chance for an alliteration anymore (Well… maybe Four Fancy Fummel… Fummel is German again… means rag… but the dresses are way to beautiful to be called rags.) Enough play on words…

The dresses are made from the Great British Sewing Bee’s Drapey Dress pattern. This Pattern is part of the book ‘The Great Britsih Sewing Bee 3 – Fashion with Fabric’. I thought about buying the book just because of this one pattern. But I already have several sewing books. There is much content that is covered in almost every book. And I didn’t even read the general stuff in any of the books because I learned it the hard way before I had the books. And sometimes, if you wish for it very much… a free download comes your way. I knew which fabric I wanted to use for the first dress. But I was afraid it wouldn’t be enough, since everyone who made it before stated it is so roomy. I digged through my fabric stash but couldn’t find a satifying fabric to combine with my favourite printed jersey. Because of my fear of getting lost in the finished dress I used my special grading trick. I printed the pattern at 90% and used size XS. Voila, perfect fit – no alterations!

Drapey Dress one
Drapey Dress 01
As you see, I managed to make the whole dress out of the printed fabric. I just had to do the back in two pieces instead of on the fold.

Drapey Dress01
The cat liked the dress too ๐Ÿ™‚ And if you wonder why I wore a longsleeved dress in summer… this was the end of November! (okay… it was South Africa… ) It just matched the coulour of the pool so well and my pale skin doesn’t like the sun anyway.

Not only the south african cat liked the dress. My mother was so excited that she wanted one too. And again I squeezed one out of the remnant fabric from another dress. As you see, it’s an awasome autumn dress!

Usually you don’t want somebody to wear the same dress like you at a party. But we both liked it so much we wore it to my aunt’s birthday.

But the excitement wasn’t over. My mother wanted to have another version she could wear in winter (you see… soon we have one for every season). Together we chose a velvety knit fabric in dark blue.

My mother and I don’t seem to be the only ones really loving this style of dress. Way before I saw the dress from The Great British Sewing Bee, I saw a similar one at COS. The only difference are the sleeves.

Image from COS

Another clue for this beeing quite popular at the moment is a new pattern from StyleArc. Again just the sleeves (and the back) are slightly different.

Image from StyleArc

And talking about beeing popular… I feel a bit famous, too. I’m in the Burda Style magazine again ๐Ÿ™‚

caro burda again

How often do you sew a favourite pattern? Is four times enough? ๐Ÿ˜‰